Last week, we had a family vacation to Iowa. It was fun, believe it or not. Sasha and Chloe aren't afraid of me though, which I find annoying.
We returned and then the next day, our people put me and Other Cat back in our little houses and took us in the car. We thought we were going back to Iowa, but it was much, much worse. The vet! That guy who calls me "fuzzy man" was there, of course and he pulled me out of my house even though I used all of my muscles to cling to it and try to stay in. Then he poked me a bunch and picked at my teeth. (That was kind of gross.) He told Main Person that I am healthy and that I now weigh 13.5 pounds--which is 0.5 pounds less than last year! M.P. was shocked that I lost weight. I don't know why she didn't notice my fine physique.
Other Cat also got checked out by the nice man. Other Cat cried the whole time. He's so embarrassing when we go there! All of the people and animals in the waiting room stare at him. I turned around in my house so that my back was facing the door and I couldn't see any of it. Sheesh.
Oh, Other Cat weight 10.9 pounds, which means he gained 0.5 pounds. Ha ha.