It seemed like a regular Monday morning. Then, around 10:30, as I was happily sleeping on my people's bed, Main Person came in with The Cage. I keep forgetting that I'm supposed to use all my might to not get in that thing! Nothing good ever comes from being in that box. So, she got Other Cat too, and then she and Second Person put us in the backseat of the car. Next thing I knew, we were back at That Place where they put you on the metal table and poke and prod you.
I like the guy there OK, but I still hate the place. The Guy usually calls me "Fuzzy Man." Today, he commented on my beautiful, thick coat. Of course, that was seconds before he stuck a needle into me. He also squeezed my bum a little bit--but nothing like the last time we went and he had do squeeze a lot. (That was horrible; I cannot even write about it on my blog, it's so disturbing.) Anyway, the whole ordeal was apparently only about 4 minutes. He picked some tartar off of my teeth, commented on my blue eyes, and felt my belly. He said I weigh 13.5 pounds.
Other Cat also got poked and prodded. He lost weight, which Main Person says is because of his nightly workouts. But, apparently, we are both OK and don't have return to That Place for another year. Thank goodness.
23 October 2006
21 October 2006
Boy am I one bad blogger. And I mean "bad" in the literal sense! I promise to update my blog this weekend, especially if Other Cat leaves me alone for awhile. Geesh!
07 October 2006
In the neighborhood
In my new neighborhood, there are many exciting things going on. My main perspective on this is from my backporch. Here is a tour from the porch.
Nearby, there is a building with a nice backyard. This yard is a virtual cat lounge! At one point, Main Person and I counted 8 cats there (at one time!)! In the pictures below, you can see many of these cats. There are 1 or 2 in each photo. See if you can spot them.

In addition to being near an active cat community, we are in the flight path for large airplanes coming in to a big airport nearby. There are probably at least a hundred planes a day that fly over us. Usually they fly right above us, but this one was just a little north of us so you can see the side of it.
I like sitting on the porch in the late morning and early afternoon, when the sun is hitting it. Sometimes Main Person lets me sit on the lawn chair and take a bath.
Sometimes I prefer taking a nap in the shade, with just my nose getting touched by the sun.

04 October 2006
01 October 2006
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