In my new neighborhood, there are many exciting things going on. My main perspective on this is from my backporch. Here is a tour from the porch. Nearby, there is a building with a nice backyard. This yard is a virtual cat lounge! At one point, Main Person and I counted 8 cats there (at one time!)! In the pictures below, you can see many of these cats. There are 1 or 2 in each photo. See if you can spot them.
In addition to being near an active cat community, we are in the flight path for large airplanes coming in to a big airport nearby. There are probably at least a hundred planes a day that fly over us. Usually they fly right above us, but this one was just a little north of us so you can see the side of it. I like sitting on the porch in the late morning and early afternoon, when the sun is hitting it. Sometimes Main Person lets me sit on the lawn chair and take a bath. Sometimes I prefer taking a nap in the shade, with just my nose getting touched by the sun.
Yuri-- Those are awesome pictures. Your neighborhood looks nice. I haven't seen any other cats around here. Though our neighbor hung a cat toy on our front door the other day. My person thought it was kind of suspicious.
1 comment:
Those are awesome pictures. Your neighborhood looks nice. I haven't seen any other cats around here. Though our neighbor hung a cat toy on our front door the other day. My person thought it was kind of suspicious.
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