28 November 2006

Thanksgiving "Vacation"

Last Thursday morning, the People tricked us into getting into our little carrier houses and stuck us in the backseat of their car. Needless to say, we were not happy. Other Cat tried to start an insurrection. We yelled and rattled those cage doors, but the people continued to ignore us.

Hours later, we arrived. We were at that place that Main Person likes to take us. I like the screened porch there, but that's all. We saw Sasha and Chloe, who are getting much bigger. I still don't like them, but maybe they're better than I thought at first. Sasha is kind of OK. But just to show her who's boss, I sat right on her person's lap. HA!

When we returned home today, I was exhausted. I even lost my voice from having to shout at the people in the car, just to be sure they knew I was not happy. Anyway, when we got home, I drank, ate, and then slept for hours. I just woke up for a second to tell everyone on the blog about our adventure, but now I'm going back to sleep. Sigh.

17 November 2006


I have been very negligent recently. Main Person recommended that I share some photos on the blog to keep people updated on things around here. Actually, there's not much to say, but here are some of my recent photos.

Here's Other Cat trotting down the hall. As you can see, Third Cat no longer runs away from us. But I don't think she really likes us yet.
Third Cat still likes to sit on her person:
but she also really likes to lay on/in blankets. Unlike me and Other Cat, she likes the blanket to be wrapped around her.

Recently, I have been sleeping on the People's Bed after I eat my breakfast. I usually stay there until 2pm or so. It is very cozy. One day I even found a cave-like area and slept there all day.

Other Cat has been birding a lot more these days. Usually he watches birds for about an hour in the morning. But one morning, a couple weeks ago, a squirrel visited him for awhile on the porch.
Since it has been cold lately, we like to use each other's body heat to stay warm.

08 November 2006

Today is a damn good day!

I'm simply going to link to another blog to express how me and people feel today. Click on the YouTube video.
