23 August 2006

Cat days of summer drawing to a close

Main Person and Second Person have both been spending more time at their computers and more time outside of the condo. I think the end of summer is looming. Back to long days with only Other Cat (and maybe Third Cat) to entertain me, without ear scratches or back massages in the afternoons. Hmph.

We haven't had a lot of news here, but I will try to report on the few mundane things that have occurred. Yesterday morning, we all noticed that Other Cat had been hoarding his milk ring things, and he collected them near the dining table. Look at this:Last night, Other Cat and I felt kind of chilly, so we slept together for a long time in the papasan chair. Usually I don't like sleeping with O.C. during the summer, but he was giving me a really nice bath.

Today, Main Person has been cooking--weird. I don't know what's going on with that. But it doesn't smell like anything I want. Anyway, I think that the cooking might have something to do with the fact that she said that Chloe and Sasha's people are coming. But not Chloe and Sasha--thank Buddha!

For those of you who don't know, here are Chloe and Sasha, who--in my opinion--are so small that they barely count as cats. Again, I repeat, they are not coming to my condo.


Anonymous said...

It's about time you post photos of those interlopers!

Yuri said...

I hear they're getting bigger by the day, but I still don't want any part of them. And remind me to tell you sometime about what Chloe kept doing to Main Person when she picked her up. Oh. My. God. SO undignified.

Anonymous said...

What the hell? Where are the updates??