I'm settling into something of a routine with the blog these days. After a long day, I unwind with a short post. Tonight, I've been inspired by my friend
Milo to share some of my famous moves.
This evening I want to write about my favorite yoga positions. Now, I'm no yoga expert, but I've been told that several of my favorite body moves are in fact taught in yoga classes. I also am sure that I've mastered many of them in ways that people would never do.
This is what I like to call the "Dead Opossom" pose. It's my warm-up move.

And here is "The Ostrich" (get it--burying the head in the sand??). I use this one when I want to stretch my obliques.

This is "Twister," where I get my legs all scrambled up. In this photo, I'm just starting to move into position.

Finally, this is "Sea Otter." It's a little hard to see, but if you click on the image you'll get a better view. In this move, I channel my furry marine friends to lay on my back for as long as I can. Sometimes I also groom my chest hair while in this position, to make it even more authentic.

I think that my yoga has helped keep me agile, especially for the rousing games of Chase that Other Cat and I have. I am also keeping that middle-age weight at bay. Still, I welcome suggestions for new moves.
You rock. I'm going to incorporate some of your moves into my repertoire. You can also get a great stretch if you lay out perfectly flat, legs extended, a la Mighty Mouse.
Thanks, Milo! So, with that move you suggested, do I lay out on my stomach or back?
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