01 September 2006

12 Things about Other Cat

I frequently write about Other Cat in my blog, but there are several things that you may not know about him. Today, I dedicate a blog post to O.C.

1. Other Cat is five years old. I hated him when Main Person first brought him home, but that was four years ago. Now he's my best friend.
2. Other Cat had a weak constitution when he first came to live with us. He had ringworm and then got pneumonia when Main Person gave him a bath (which was the Vet's fault, because she told Main Person to bathe and shampoo him with this special medicine). Now, he is quite hardy.

3. Other Cat has several names. Before he came to live with us, he was called Domino. Main Person gave him the name Tomas, but I never use it. Our Vet in Chicago calls him Little Man.

4. Other Cat is currently on a strict exercise regime. Other Person is trying to get him to exercise for 20 minutes per day. Usually I get involved in this during evening Cat Dancer events, but he is also big at Fetch. He loves the plastic rings from milk jugs, and he can play fetch with them for long stretches of time. Here you can see him fetching.During breaks, he guards his loot.5. He recently spent a night outside on our porch, inadvertently.

6. He considers himself a Hoosier.

7. His nose gets bright pink when he is excited and nearly white when he is tired.

8. He loves dairy products. He can hear a yogurt container opening up from rooms away, and he is very assertive about getting to lick any remaining yogurt or cereal milk.

9. His favorite place to sleep during the day is Main Person's closet. In our old home, he would jump to the highest shelf with the sweaters and sleep there all day. In our new place, the People try to keep him out. He doesn't like that.

10. Other Cat and I are very good at acting like twins.
11. He has a cell phone and used to text-message Second Person all the time.

12. Other Cat keeps a picture of me in his knapsack.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE those photos! Such handsome, photogenic boys!!
--New Jersey Admirer

i-like-to-laugh said...

The pictures on the stereo are priceless! How adorable!!