11 September 2006

EXTRA: Third Cat Ponders More Socializing!

When we first moved to our new home three months ago, Third Cat would sit in the same room with the rest of us (cats and people) in the evenings. She hated us chasing her and she made sure to keep a good buffer zone between her and us, but she would at least sit in a corner where she could see us. About one month ago, she became more and more reclusive, spending most of her time in the back of the condo (while we hang out in the front) or in Second Person's scary room.

But over the last two days, we have seen some slow improvement! Last night, I chased her around and she didn't get all weird and growly like she usually does. (Mind you, she was not really happy, but not as angry as usual.) Today, she slept in the living room on a chair about six feet from my pillow all day. She even tried to sleep on the corner of the People's bed last night! (She left promptly when Other Cat jumped up there.)

We are holding our breath that this might be a turning point!

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