19 September 2006

I hate Tuesdays.

The people got up early this morning and fed all of us. That was the last good thing that happened. After filling our bowls, they ate and left. That was 7:45 AM. We sat around all day waiting for at least one of them to come home. You want to know what time they arrived? 10:00 PM! By my count, that is 14 hours. And 15 minutes. Um, hello. We are here, and we are hungry! Geesh. They finally fed us, but not even full scoops. Something about not wanting us to get sick from eating too much too fast. Of course, Other Cat promptly barfed up his after finishing in 1 minute and then scavenging my dish and Third Cat's.

I think something is being planned for the weekend too. Main Person asked me if we would need a 3rd litter box for a couple days. This is very suspicious. I will keep you posted.

In better news, my friend Milo got his blog back up and running. His person gave him a really great fleece blanket for the fall season. I wonder if Main Person might decide that we need one too. After all, it's colder in Chicago than Philadelphia, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why I barfed. I didn't even think they gave me very much food.

Nickie said...

I dun know what the Its get so worked up about how fast one eats! I say go ahead and barf, maybe behind the couch so they can't take it away. It will make a good snack time later :)

Yuri said...

Sometimes I think my people leave the barf on purpose. They know we'll eat it, so they don't want to bother cleaning it up. The question is, shall we take this as a gift or just a sign of them falling down on the job??