We had a pretty typical weekend around here. The big excitement yesterday was when Other Cat tried to enter Third Cat's no-cat zone. Check this out:

I supervised.

Later in the day, Other Cat wowed us with his big-tail trick.

On Sunday morning, we watched Meet the Press. Yawn. Other Cat played Fetch forever this evening. It made me dizzy just watching. Other than that, I've been trying to catch up on some reading. Second Person (think I'll just call him "S.P." from now on) loaned me a book because I've been wanting to know more about this stuff in the Middle East.

We've been wondering about our friend Milo. Main person said he had read the blog and liked it. Milo, tell us what you want us to blog about. We take suggestions from all cat, dog, and human friends too.
Your blog is the nip! Check mine out--
Milo! Welcome aboard! I think I like you even better in cyberspace. You aren't as scary.
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