Here, I will share my daily adventures (well, maybe not every day). Let me give you a little background.
I'm a Turkish Siamese Cat. Not Turkish-Siamese, but Turkish and Siamese. Now, I live in Chicago. I share a 3rd floor condo with two other cats and two people.

Then there are the people. My Main Person is fantastic. I've known her my whole life--or at least as long as I can remember--and she understands me. My Second Person is good too. He understands how sometimes my brain feels like popcorn and I just have to lash out at people or cats. He says he has the same thing. Both my people take pretty good care of me, so I can't really complain (although I sometimes do.)
So, what do I do? Well, when I'm not writing on my blog, I like to eat, play soccer, watch TV, and do yoga.

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